Cloudoko Forms

This is the home of all Knowledge Base articles relating to Cloudoko Forms. The articles are broken down into the following sections: -

Concept Articles

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    Cloudoko Forms Email Security — The Cloudoko Forms service collects data from a user via a form presented in a browser and be configured to send this via SMTP email to one or more address(es) of your choice. This article discusses the various options for configuring SMTP with Cloudoko and the security implications of this
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    Understanding Field Mappings — Fields mappings are a dynamic feature of Cloudoko Forms that enable you to populate your target CRM form with specific data.
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    Cloudoko Forms Data Security — The Cloudoko Forms service does not store user form data. The service collects data from a user via a form presented in a browser and sends this to the customer's customer relationship management (CRM) / case management system via an instance of Cloudoko Driver installed on the customer's network.
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    Google Tag Manager Integration For Cloudoko Forms — Learn more about how you can use Google Tag Manager to record analytics events with Cloudoko Forms

How-To Articles

Troubleshooting Articles

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Concept Diagram

The diagram describes the basic architecture of the Cloudoko Forms product.